Monday, April 14, 2008

an early friday night

friday night proved that i could pack in a whole lotta fun and still be home early.

i met up with my party girl, the yummy mommy and another one of our mutual girl friends for an event organised by a men's magazine (and no, not that type haha!) courteosy of my party girl's beer brand client.

the drinks were free-flow from 8-10pm and we certainly made the most outta it. even resorting to flirting with the bartender to get more alcohol going in that free-flow plus a tall glass to boot. and then us girls just danced it out.

i found myself dancing with random guys. one of whom i actually unbuttoned his shirt. yes, i realised that i like to unbutton a guy's shirt if i think that he's just buttoned too much of it.

somewhere along the way i also joked around with some really random guys and then proceeded to turn my back on 'em and walk away. apparently when i'm tipsy, i can take this whole "easily amused but easily bored" characteristic of mine to a whole new level. yeah well i'm thinking that maybe those really random guys didn't really take to that.

i would have stayed on to have even more fun (and maybe even some random makeout action). but i had to be up at 5am for a short roadtrip the next day so i crawled back home relatively early at 12.30am.

and as i drifted off to sleep, i couldn't help but think that dang this would have been an excellent time to hook up with the mind-reader...



At 2:24 PM, Blogger Ginormous Boobs said...

Give me your number and I'll call and remind you next time.

At 5:26 AM, Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

unbuttoning is a GOOD idea on dance floors. As long as it isn't your own clothes.

At 11:40 PM, Blogger jo said...

haha! i remember someone once telling me that she was taking some exotic dancing (or something similar) lessons and was told to bring a shirt to class. i never quite figured out if they were supposed to learn how to strip the shirt off the guy or off of 'emselves...


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