Monday, March 15, 2010

how did i never realise this before?

i haven't thought bout him in a while. heck, i hadn't quite thought bout him at all. not since we were still working together in 2006.

admittedly back then i had a minor "crush" on him. some sorts of an office "crush", if you will. a lil nothing that just made my days a lil more interesting. i never quite thought anything bout it.

until now.

recently as i was on way back to the office from lunch, i briefly caught the eye of a guy who walked (or rather shuffled) past me in obviously un-office attire. he looked familiar. the shuffle, the downwards stooping posture with his eyes to the ground. he looked up. it took 2 seconds for us to recognise each other. it was karaoke unlikely guy.

we smiled to acknowledge the other but did not attempt to stop for conversation. i went up the escalator and peered down at him for a better look. it was then that it hit me. why didn't i realise it before? the attire. the similarly dressed male companion. the slightly effiminate vibe emitting from the both of them.

i'm now kinda thinking he's possibly gay.

so yes, i spent a good half year having a bit of an office "crush" on a guy who in all probablity wouldn't even fancy me 'coz i'm female. hilarious.



At 12:24 PM, Blogger ok said...

we've all been there. keep the faith.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Kate said...

OH no that sucks. If it makes you feel better one of my boyfriends once came out after we broke up - very paranoia inducing!

Kate xx

At 11:52 AM, Blogger jo said...

kate: an ex boyfriend? oh man that really sucks. so did you quiz him if he was always gay or did you turn him gay or what? i too would be paranoid!

At 9:44 PM, Blogger JenJen said...

That is awesome! Why do all the hott, amazing ones have to be gay? It makes me feel like I'm a cast member on Sex in the City.

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig!!!!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Dater at Large said...

the old adage is true... love is blind!


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