i can't believe how fast time flies
i don't even know how this happened. but in what seems to be a blink of an eye, the alpha boy and i celebrated our first year anniversary last night.
it's kinda a first for both of us. he's my first real relationship and even though i'm not his first girlfriend, i'm his longest and pretty much his first real proper relationship.
we had dinner at a japanese buffet restaurant which was lovely and then watched date night. we even took some pictures which says a lot since we're not really the picture taking type. the funniest thing was that we somehow managed to get each other just bout the same anniversary card. the cards were different but they were designed by the same person. and let's just say this isn't a popular brand of card with heaps of designs.
all in all it was a rather low-key but special night which i suppose is kinda just what kind of a couple we are.
Congratulations on your first year, sounds a lovely way to celebrate to me!
Congrats on your one year! Your post had me awwing. I agree with Mrs Midnite. It does sound like you guys had a lovely time :) .
Aw, congrats. Non-fancy special beats fancy special any day, in my book.
Congrats on your first year! Not bad for a 'partially commitment phobic', uh?? ;)
thanks everyone :)
lilyflower: haha! i know right! but i still freaked out and hemmed and hawed when he asked when i wanted to get married. eeps!
Congratulations! That sounds like a lovely way to spend an anniversary. Good luck on doing it again next year!
My Love Life/
hahah being a 'commitment phobic' myself, I absolutely understand. At least he didn't kneel on the floor and popped the question :)
(or did he, and you forgot to mention that tiny little detail??)
lilyflower: oh no... thankfully there's no official proposal as yet. i'm so not ready for that. and honestly i think neither is he.
Congratulations! Good luck on doing it again next year!
haha fair enough, I mean, 1 year is way to little for proposals. Although, I do have a friend who proposed to his girlfriend like 3 months after they started dating. ugh. unlike most women, marriage is one of the little things that scares the crap out of me, so yeah :p
(man, I've got issues!)
lilyflower: yeah i too have had friends who got proposed to after 3months. well it seems to be working out for them though so i'm happy for them and all. marriage is scary 'coz it's a big step. but i am the marrying kind though :P
I read your blog as much as possible, and your posts have me hanging on every word like a good thriller, and even though I don't know much about you other than the words you indulge me with every week or so, Congrats on your one year!! That's great!
amc2051: aww that's sweet. thanks for liking my blog :)
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