Monday, June 02, 2008

a good and different weekend

so i'm back to feeling connected with the ad-man again.

i was participating in a big sporting event on saturday night and decided to pass on a big drinking event on friday night with my party girl and the yummy mommy. what i did instead was to watch a movie and have dinner with the ad-man. and i have to say that it was really good and i didn't even miss not being able to attend the drinking event.

on saturday night the ad-man texted me to wish me all the best. i felt that my completion in the big sporting event was a big personal accomplishment for me but it was doubly nice to see the message that the ad-man left on my page at the online social utility site saying that he was "uber proud of me". basically all in all, a really good weekend.

despite it all, as per "the solution", i have gotten to know another new guy. we even talked for over an hour on our very first phone call. he seems nice enough i suppose... but somehow i'm not feeling any sparkage... i think i'm just definitely very into the ad-man...

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At 6:58 AM, Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

sooooo keep it up with the ad man. see what happens. you're not in any hurry!

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

suppose there is no point in searching if you might already have found what you are looking for...

At 9:48 PM, Blogger jo said...

the ambiguous blob: i am fully intending to keep it up with the ad-man for as long as i can :)

crashy: you know, that's the thing... i think i have pretty much found what i'm looking for... he just doesn't know it yet.

At 4:02 AM, Blogger jayne said...

Just found your blog. I so identify with this. I am trying to find my match and it's proving very very difficult.

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Dizzie said...

I've given up on dates. Period. That's it for me - the shop is closed. I'm a lost cause...


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