Tuesday, July 14, 2009

this probably wouldn't be the last we hear of this

i guess i shouldn't be surprised... afterall it seemed like he was being too understanding. but strangely when the alpha boy brought up the issue i have with the "other woman", i was still a bit surprised.

we were having one of our late night conversations. and then he ended my call to pick another. an hour later he called me back. turns out it was his ex. yes, he ended my call to answer hers. okay so i'm trying not to get too bothered. afterall he did tell me much earlier that he was going to catch up with her before she left for her 3-week trip the next day.

he told her bout how i felt and she was suitably bummed out. turns out she tends to lose close guy friends 'coz they get attached and their girlfriends are understandably unhappy with that close friendship. yes, that's why women should have other women as close friends.

of 'coz he then decides that he's kinda bothered that i'm kinda bothered and decides to find out just how bothered i am bout it all. i suppose it did annoy me a wee bit that he would even have to ask (but okay so the dude ain't a mind reader). i've told him before and he should know by now that i wouldn't ever say anything unless it bothered me enough. i'm someone who is really bad at talking bout feelings and emotions and hence most of the time i try to rationalise or just push 'em away. i only feel the need to say something when rationalising and pushing it away doesn't help me feel any less bothered.

i sorta reminded him bout that. and that yes, i'm bothered enough. he said that he understood where i was coming from. but frankly i'm not sure if he really did get it. i tried to explain it using words such as "inappropriate", "lines must be drawn", "emotional "cheating"" and whatever i could to try and explain. i'm not sure if i explained it well enough. or maybe it's just a girl feeling to have and he just wouldn't really understand.

i'm not wrong to feel the way i do. i know that for sure. and given most anyone else, i think they would have been likely to get more upset than i am. all the same i'm just really wondering if this will ever be resolved properly...



At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Ecrivain said...

No, you're not wrong to feel the way you do.

Actually, something similar happened to a friend of mine, whose boyfriend's "best friend" was an ex...except, in that case, the ex got all jealous and possessive.

It turned out okay because the boyfriend stopped hanging out with his "best friend" out of deference to his girlfriend...and really, when it comes down to it, the girlfriend has higher priority than an ex-girlfriend/best friend.

At 2:28 PM, Blogger jo said...

ecrivain: yeah but it was difficult to get the boyfriend to stop hanging out with his ex/best friend?

the alpha boy considers his ex as one of his best friends. and i don't wanna be the uncool and jealous girlfriend though i think it's a lil inappropriate for 'em to be that close even if it's all platonic. i'm hoping that maybe all this is just 'coz he's not used to having a girlfriend and having an ex/best friend. yeah i too think that i should have higher priority haha!

At 1:59 AM, Blogger Please Don't Eat With Your Mouth Open said...

It's a difficult situation for everyone. I'd be uncomfortable at the fact that he'd even talked to the best friend about it. What else does he tell her, I wonder.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger jo said...

please don't eat with your mouth open: perhaps just bout everything? well okay in his defence, i'd say that it was probably normal that he talked to his ex bout this. i mean he couldn't just stop talking to her as much without at least talking to her first bout the reason why. besides that way, she gets it and stops calling him as much as well. oh i just hope everyone gets it...

At 4:05 AM, Blogger SaneAndSingle said...

Yeah, I think I would be bothered that he told her about your being bothered. LOL Did that make sense?

I recently had this discussion with MatchMan about his friendship with a woman. I also used the "boundaries" and "inappropriate" terms. LOL He didn't get it so much either.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger jo said...

saneandsingle: hmm maybe it's a guy thing that they don't quite get it? i tried to explain like how for women, we consider emotionally cheating as bad as physically cheating if not more so 'coz we can't just brush it off as a typical horndog guy behavior. not saying that he's cheating emotionally or otherwise. but i'm sure you catch my drift...


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