Wednesday, August 26, 2009

when you find that maybe it's not as bad as you thought after all...

she's good... that one... the "other woman"...

she was actually the one who suggested over the weekend to the alpha boy that we all meet up for dinner yesterday since she would be meeting him earlier as he was helping her settle some travel insurance claim.

and so we did. and she even got me a lil gift from her trip. i thought that was really sweet of her.

i was surprised at myself when i found myself hugging her hello and goodbye easily. then again i'm a big hugger so that has never been a big deal for me. even when she hugs him. okay well truthfully maybe a wee bit of a deal initially but i'm getting over that pretty fast.

dinner was enjoyable. i've said it before and i'll say it again, i really do like her. and i really do think we get along. i think in some strange way the alpha boy might be happy bout that 'coz then at least us girls seem to amuse ourselves.

i really don't think it's all some elaborate 'plan' of hers to get me on her side while she carries out some devious plot. i think she, probably like me, thinks that it's important that we get along since we're bonded by the alpha boy. and since i get along fabulously with all of the alpha boy's friends anyway, why should she be any different?

'coz she's his ex? yeah well i guess i'm kinda starting to just accept it...



At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you are all getting along!

At 10:12 PM, Blogger jo said...

talesfromabarstool: so not at all weird that she's his ex girlfriend and that they are still very close friends in that whole we have long frequent conversations and tell each other everything sense?

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous ~AV~ said...

Since I've never had that kind of relationship with an ex, I can't really say if it's weird or not...I mean, it's definitely different seeing as how most people completely cut their ex out of their lives or are just acquaintances...but I think the fact that they've remained friends (and ONLY friends) shows just how much they enjoy each others company without any sexual feelings towards each other. Because if there was any sexual feelings, you probably would not be dating him right now...right?

At 12:27 AM, Blogger jo said...

AV: yes, i do believe there is definitely no longer any sexual feelings between 'em 'coz if i even thought so, i would so have a problem with that. but how they became such good friends to begin with is in itself quite an anormaly...


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