Wednesday, November 04, 2009

it's not that i care, i'm just curious

the online social utility site is an amazing stalker device. and i'm not even gonna deny it, sometimes i do stalk.

recently i realised that i have a "favorite" person to stalk. i don't stalk that person often but on the off chance that i do see any status update, i do take a peek into the person's profile and see what other updates i've missed.

and i'm not exactly proud to say this but that person is the ad-man.

now that's someone who i haven't talked bout in bout a year. and that's simply 'coz i don't care. okay maybe i might since i'm still checking out his profile every now and then. but i've justified this as 'coz being as eloquent as he is, his status updates and comments are generally well thought out and interesting (at least as much as it can get in a couple of sentences). and being as attractive as he is, his pictures are visually appealing. and okay okay i'm also curious bout his love life.

sue me. i think mostly i'm just still slightly disgruntled bout how things ended between us (that is assuming that we even started). as in they didn't really end. we went from chatting online for hours every day for months and meeting up with each other semi frequently to him suddenly not even appearing online at all (i highly suspect that he blocked me). that's enough cause for a girl to go a lil bat shit crazy wondering what happened. as far as i could tell, nothing happened. we didn't have a falling out. he wasn't offended by something i said. i didn't stalk him. i believe he just met someone else and got attached soon after.

which is fine. i mean come on, i'm a big girl. you don't even have to have any kind of talk with me where you let me down gently bout how you don't think this will ever work out and all that jazz. all it would have taken was a simple mention bout a new love interest or girlfriend and i would have gotten the hint real quick. i would have wished him all the best, set my own feelings aside and continue being friends. but no, he did not even have the decency to do that.

knowing his track record of past girlfriends and how half of them only lasted a month makes me extra curious bout how long the next girlfriend will last. the one he coupled up with right after he poofed on me lasted a month. and then he was single for a while (i don't know how long, i don't stalk that much). and then some time back (i don't know when, 'coz like i said, i don't stalk that much) he got coupled up with another girl who from my stalker skills i have inferred that he probably have known since his teenage years. she seems normal and they seem like they are still going strong so at least that breaks his one month record.

actually i don't really care too much. he lost so much points with me for showing poor character that in my eyes, there's no way he could ever redeem himself anymore. but i suppose i'm just curious. 'coz this is the one guy whose disappearing act made such an impact on me given the depth of our previous interactions and my subsequently growing feelings. this was someone i initially thought had great potential.

so yes, i guess maybe i just still like to know what he's up to. even if i don't ever want to talk to him or see him again. and maybe i even secretly wish that he would fail in love as some kind of payback for the way he treated me. perhaps that's why i check back in every now and then to see if his "in a relationship" status has since changed...



At 10:47 PM, Blogger Frankly, Scarlett said...

Ah facebook - brings a new level of dimension and ease to stalking. No more do we have to climb up trees and watch with binoculars to see if our former love comes home with a woman (not that I ever DID that...i'm just saying...). Kind of makes you wonder...who's stalking YOU!?

At 12:41 AM, Blogger jo said...

scarlett: hey! it sure is nice to hear from you again :) and oh? it wasn't you climbing up trees and watching former loves with binoculars? haha! well yes, when you put it that way, i do kinda wonder who's stalking me. in all probability no one. i doubt i'm all that interesting to online stalk. unfortunately?

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Kate said...

I have a feeling we are all a little guilty of checking up exes etc.....

I hope so anyway!

Kate x

At 5:10 AM, Blogger SaneAndSingle said...

I think once we care about someone on that level, we will always be a little curious.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Little Miss Angry said...

guilty too ;)

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody's a stalker now. There's no shame in it anymore. I've been stalking people on the internet since 2003. It started with classmates who had blogs and evolved into myspace, then facebook and now linkedin (at least for me).

At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And twitter too! ;)

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Lifestyle Lookbook said...

So I was going through my history's tab at the top of the Internet Explorer bar to try and find a website I'd looked at yesterday...only to find that I had apparently googled both my ex boyfriend AND his new girlfriend a few months ago.

It's more disturbing than your facebook story (which everyone does, don't worry), because:
a) I apparently googled both of them and
b) I don't remember googling either of them!

So does this guy's fb status say he's in a relationship with anyone?

At 11:03 PM, Blogger jo said...

ladies, it's great to know that i'm not the only stalker type around haha!

you make my date: how did you not remember googling both of 'em? were you drunk? haha! and oh i don't know... i did try and check out the ad-man's girlfriend but she has locked her profile. and yes his status has said that he's in a relationship for a while now. seriously it's not like i actually care a whole lot. i'm just curious... or deluded...

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Dater at Large said...

You're not deluded! I think it's natural to be curious about guys you think had potential. Potential is a dangerous, dangerous thing. And the internet makes it simply too easy to stalk. Lock your FB profiles!

At 9:19 AM, Blogger jo said...

dater at large: you said it so right. oh yes, potential is a dangerous, dangerous thing. it doesn't come along all too often, but when it does, watch out! 'coz you might "fall" really hard for that.
the internet really is such a stalker device. and sometimes when i stalk, i get nervous that he can see that i've stalked haha!


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