excuse me while i go panic a lil...
shocking as it may seem, the alpha boy has never actually spent a night at my place before. this is purely due to our non conducive living arrangements.
but due to a temporary change in those living arrangements for the weekend, we've made plans for him to spend the night at my place tomorrow.
and cue slight panic.
i mean i know all the fun stuff that would probably (oh dear god i hope so) come along with him staying over. but he's going to see me sans makeup. we're going to have to deal with morning breath. there's hardly any space in my tiny bed for the 2 of us. i'm not sure if i can fall asleep with someone so close next to me. the list goes on...
so yes, slight panic.
I'm sure you'll be fine :)
Have you not slept over at his place, either?!
As someone who regularly wakes up next to boys I know (and I use the term "know" to describe a range of knowing), there is nothing to worry about. Most guys I know love the just woken up look.
Unless you wear full pancake makeup, that is.
Arghh I totally get what you mean about the angst of having him over for the first time.
Make sure you have access to coffee in the morning: it'll make the morning breath go away, wake you up if you haven't slept, and distract him while you go do your makeup. Good luck!
scotty: thanks for the encouragement :)
dater at large: nope i haven't slept over at his place either. why would guys love the just woken up look? unless you look like a dream when you've woken up. i basically just look like a mess. and no, i don't wear full pancake makeup. not even when i'm fully awake. but some makeup would definitely do me good though...
you make my date: i don't drink coffee haha! but i'm considering having mints handy by the bedside. i'm hoping that he's gonna be too distracted to even notice...
In my experience waking up next to the opposite sex, they could really care less about morning breath, especially whilst distracted! Don't worry, have fun...yay!!
So... are you going to tell us how it went or what?!
I guess I date guys who sometimes feel intimidated by me, and when it's early morning any and all pretense is stripped away. I'm more vulnerable, and they like that. My hair does happen to be pretty awesome, though, so it could be that, too. :)
dater at large: haha! i love how you were eagerly anticipating the follow up on how it went. and yes, it is coming... i'm gonna write it now :) but now i also wanna know how awesome is your hair? so much so that i'm going to leave a comment on your blog just so you'd definitely see it :P
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