Friday, May 07, 2010

in honor of mother's day... this shall not be on mothers

it's mother's day this weekend. and mothers are great and we should take this chance to especially appreciate our mothers and all that, but that isn't exactly what i wanted to talk bout. for me, this is a not-a-mother's day "celebration". and possibly TMI... but you've now been warned.

my cycle is generally somewhat regular though with bouts of hormonal funkiness caused mainly by stress. i may not think i'm that stressed, but apparently my body does. i've never really had to worry bout this. if it was late, then it was late. no biggie. it just meant that i got to enjoy more time sans cramps, bloatedness and inconvenience.

but then things changed when i found myself with a "regular partner". necessary precautions were taken and i honestly didn't think too much bout it. everything was fine... until i was over a week late...

well i've been a week late before, it's fairly common. afterall i have been stressed... that was my reasoning. but i couldn't stop the worried feeling inside, the constant thinking back on which were the days and the counting of any possible day that could have been the day. i wanted to know and yet i was scared to know. all i knew for sure was that i wasn't ready for all of this and for many reasons, this just wasn't the right time. never was there a time where i had to think squarely bout what i would do if... finally, i decided to take my very first test.

negative. awesome. i breathed a sigh of relief. but the instructions said that if you've got a negative result, you should wait for another 3 days before taking another test to confirm. i waited another week...

still nothing. i was sure that i was starting to feel the symptoms but there was nothing. then i went away on a family vacation for a week...

i hardly slept well. partly it was the unfamiliar surroundings and partly 'coz i just kept getting plagued by dreams of different scenarios. my subconscious mind was in overdrive. i came back home and promptly decided to take another test just to be absolutely sure.

negative. double awesome. so then what was freaking wrong with my body?? my mind started to wander to various illnesses that i honestly didn't think i had but really, who knew right? by then it had been over 3 weeks and nary a sure sign. i finally decided to see a family doctor...

i explained the situation to him, feeling slightly embarrassed at going into any kind of detail since he was my family doctor... and that means he's my family's doctor. he didn't seem too worried which made me less worried and gave possible explainations from a medical perspective. he prescribed some hormone pills that i had taken before to stop a prolonged visit and sent me on my way.

i'm not all bout the drugs and i was still feeling the symptoms of an onset so i waited for a few days...

still nothing. i gave up, gave in and took the pills for a week.

after that, there was a visit. i breathed a huge sigh of relief. finally, after over a month, my body has righted itself again.

so yes, while mothers are great and all that, i'm just glad that for now, i'm not a mother.


At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sure is a big relief ^_^

At 10:42 PM, Blogger CeCe said...

I'm very happy for you. It's lovely to be a mother when you actually want to. Other than that...

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Little Miss Angry said...

lol. i SO understand how you feel! ;) glad all is ok.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous audrey22 said...

i'm glad things went your way, i know the alternative would have been pretty scary...

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Lilyflower said...

Phew! Now that is a stressful event! Glad it worked out ;)

At 2:29 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Agh the stress! Glad it worked out for the best!

Here in the UK, we have Mothers' Day in March. It's always just after my Mum's birthday which is great as I've got two reasons to spoil her and she can't complain!


At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find lots of my friends worry about pregnancy sysmptoms even though they are on the pill and hae negative outcomes of the pregnancy test. I don't know why us girls worry so much? Perhaps double contraception (condom & pill) may ease our minds.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING worse than a pregnancy scare! That's why I'm terrified to ever go off the pill (until I actually want kids, of course). Even if I'm like 12 hours late I start getting concerned.


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