Sunday, October 05, 2008

and i'm a lil girl again...

you know how as kids, lil boys would tease and pull the hair of the lil girls they liked? yeah well suddenly i'm wondering if i'm experiencing this at the "ripe old age" of 28... then again the med student is a whopping 4 years younger...

we were on one of our usual marathon and very engaging conversations. then he started teasing me to no end. saying that i had a deep husky voice that sounded like a man's, (which btw i don't sound like a man! i'm just not high pitched...) though he did add later that he found it rather quirky. saying that i sounded pertually anal (which btw i'm so not!). saying that i'm a freak (just 'coz i have this memory for trivial like what is the lead singer's name of a band). i know he was joking around and i decided to joke around and pretend to be upset...

jo: omg have you nothing nice to say to me?
jo: you're taking my self esteem for a ride here
the med student: well.. im trying to be mean to u, so that i won't fall for u
the med student: reverse psychology eh
jo: haha!
jo: i'm sure you don't have to try that hard
the med student: well.. i think i do..
the med student: cause u seriously seem like my soulmate
the med student: except ur manly voice
jo: haha! maybe especially my manly voice

i know we have quite a fair amount of things in common... but soulmate? wow... you know, i've never actually had a guy tell me that before... and especially in this case, that's kinda complicated and scary...



At 2:49 AM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

dude, talk abt having a sign reading:
Warning: complication overload!

isnt anything in life simply anymore?

At 9:52 AM, Blogger jo said...

crashy: oh man i really wished things were a lil less complicated. for real. all this drama kinda takes it's toll on me. i just want to be less in limbo all time and settle down a lil more. is that too much to ask?

At 11:03 AM, Blogger SaneAndSingle said...

Oh wow...I don't know about this guy.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger jo said...

saneandsingle: i don't know bout this guy either. but then again i don't know anything bout any guy anyway so what's the difference? haha!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Scotty said...

Wait, doesnt he have a girlfriend?

At 1:47 PM, Blogger jo said...

scotty: yes he does. which i know i know... makes things complicated and wrong...


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