Monday, September 29, 2008

the reply

just when i was lamenting bout how drummer boy didnt reply to my email, he replied.

and sure he took 4 days to reply but i'm glad that he finally did.

from: drummer boy
to: jo
subject: re: prelude to a chat...

ello,..:) Sorry for the late reply..

Actually I was pretty lost and confused to as in I didn't really know what to do and stuff. And I do feel like there's a communication break down of sorts. hmm Sometimes it's like i dun really know what to say.. sometimes i just feel as u put it disconnected too.. why? I dunno heh... then.. I did start to back off.. It just seemd like a natural reaction. How's work now anyways? Busier? Better take care, and start to have early nights though, I figured that it's gonna get much busier when it's nearing the date...

*insert drummer boy's name*

the irony of it all was that i realised it's possibly even more stressful to get his reply 'coz then i have to worry bout what he said and what to say and all that.

i immediately emailed my best friend for advice. so i drafted a reply and saved it. then showed it to my best friend for her comments, made some amendments, saved it and then let it sit in my email for a few days.

i would have probably hit sent earlier except that work and other stuff kept me pretty busy and partly maybe i too was trying to play the "game" or whatever. he took 4 days so i shouldn't be too eager to reply either. but then again he did initiate a rather nice IM conversation on the very night he sent his reply and i acted perfectly normal, not mentioning bout the email at all. yes it's interesting how we're both pretending the emails don't exist...

i found my guts again... and hit send...

from: jo
to: drummer boy
subject: re: prelude to a chat...

hey... thanks for the reply...

yeah i reckon we must have been kinda vibing off each other and both getting pretty lost and confused along the way...

so where do you wanna go from here? do you wanna try to talk it out? perhaps get some communication going or something. i'm not sure what you're feeling and if you feel the way i do or whatever. would you wanna try again?

oh and work is going alright. it's starting to get busy but for the time being i still keep normal hours. though that will change come november... and how have you been? work, combatting? :P


i thought i was being rather forward... i just bout nearly passed out from all that forward-ness... but like my best friend (who suggested being forward in the first place) said, we're practically going backwards anyway. she had a point.

well i guess now we wait and see yet again... *crosses fingers*



At 12:48 AM, Blogger SaneAndSingle said...

Wow! It sounds like he isn't very forward either. That was very vague, and did he even really answer any of your questions? Seems to me that he just restated what you asked!

Now I'm confused!

At 1:11 AM, Blogger jo said...

saneandsingle: girl, I'M confused haha! seriously i have no idea man...

At 5:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was rather vague, i agree with saneandsingle. hmm...that left me with an odd feeling :(

At 10:00 AM, Blogger jo said...

nevergoingbackagain: yeah i know it was kinda vague and frankly i too have that odd feeling. but well can't blame a girl for trying. at least i know that this time round i totally put myself out there in the best way i could. and if i get my heart shattered in return then oh well i'm locking it down and throwing away the key for now...

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Scotty said...

i was being rather forward
It was, but it seems like thats the way you need to be with him here.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Jade said...

Ekkk! Cliffhanger...

P.S. I gave you the Brillante Weblog Award!! You rock! Check it out on my blog!


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