Thursday, November 09, 2006

that lil green eyed monster

out of office eye candy dropped by the office yesterday afternoon. we managed to have a bit of a chat and a lil bit more as we took the bus out to the train station.

it was his first time on this bus since it was only recently that he deregistered his car and joined the ranks of public transportation commuters. i've sat in his car loads of times but it was the first time i took the bus with him. it was kinda intersting. we were in closer proximity while sitting in the bus and there were a couple of knee bumping occurences followed by "oops i'm sorry" apologies.

in the course of our conversation, he mentioned that he had actually dropped by the office earlier so that he could meet another colleague in the office and go out for a late lunch. i've always known that he got along well with her (i mean this guy gets along with almost everyone) but i didn't know that they were at the let's-meet-up-for-lunch kind of get along well stage. in fact he himself said that the lunch company was great and they talked like old friends.

now i like this colleague of mine. she's my age, fun and interesting to talk to. i actually get along with her pretty well even though we don't have much opportunities to chat. i can totally understand why she and out of office eye candy would get along well. but sue me for being slightly irrational 'coz i can't help but feel a teeny tiny bit jealous. it's so crazy since he's not even my boyfriend or whatever. and she's married. and i usually claim that i'm not the jealous type. well at least i'm not the crazy jealous type. maybe what i'm feeling at the moment is 'jealous' that i'm not his only good pal in the office. which in itself is just crazy irrational behavior on my part. i mean i get along pretty well with some other guys in the office and based out of office as well. and besides i still think that out of office eye candy talks to me differently. at least that was what my close ex colleague (who was also pretty close to out of office eye candy) told me that she noticed.

oh well... i'm sorta over that feeling now though... i'm just being silly.



At 5:10 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

Oh really, you’re “sorta over that feeling”. Sweety, it sure doesn’t look like that from where I’m watching.

Having an office fling/crush is totally innocent and sweet – it makes the days interesting and gives your mind something else to think abt and look forward to. I mean you already know that OEC already has a gf and that you guyz are just friends, but of course you’ll get jealous when you find out he has other friends. That’s just natural, cuz here you were thinking you were all special…

.. and you are, don’t ever forget that! Till you meet Mr. Right, you can always have (clean, innocent) fun with all wrong ones. I mean as long as you follow “Just look, don’t touch” policy with the occupied OEC you are only admiring God’s creation innit ;)


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