Monday, October 30, 2006

habits old and new

some old habits die hard.

friday was the first time in over a month that i was drinking till pretty late. but there wasn't any actual crazy partying. for the most part, my party girl, my aussie ex jim beam girl and i just hung out with some guys that we knew at a bar drinking.

the dj of a pub that i used to frequent was there as well. only now i learnt that he's no longer at that pub and in fact would be joining the bar that we were at and have recently been making frequent appearances again. this guy supposedly likes me even though he was there with a british girl. but he was drunk and kept on hugging me and kissing the side of my head. i just moved away and shrugged him off but didn't really say anything. then he came round hugging me from behind and said "kiss me". that was when i told him off with some choice words. how annoying.

later my party girl, my aussie ex jim beam girl and i went to a club that we usually go to dance it out and end the night. somehow in the midst of loads of people, some of whom i actually found rather cute, i realised that i just wasn't in the mood to make extended eye contact or even try to flirt. i just haven't been in that mood for quite a while now. i'm not sure if i've suddenly gone all bored in meeting new guys or that the realisation that these new guys i meet in clubs are mostly crap anyway is hitting me hard now.

i think somehow i've truly gone off partying. lately i just feel like i've been so-called partying mostly just to meet my party girl and my aussie ex jim beam girl 'coz it seems like we don't ever get a chance to meet up and catch up if we're not partying. now if i could find a way to grab 'em for a normal dinner or something, that would be nice.


it was nice of out of office eye candy to call and let me know that he would be popping by the office for a while near lunch time. when he was based in my department, we used to have lunch almost all the time. i've missed that. so i joked with him bout him driving me out for lunch. later he called to apologise that he was rushing and could only spend a short amount of time in the office so we couldn't do lunch. what a pity. it would be nice to lunch with him and chat like we used to.


well in the end he wound up staying around long enough for us to have a chat. in fact he stayed around long enough to borrow my computer to write a short work presentation slide and use my email program to send that file. yes apparently he makes himself at home at my desk haha!

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At 11:17 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

Ooooh somebody’s getting comfy around you Jo… haven’t decided whether it’s a good thing or not. Hmmm regarding being an ex. Party girl. Well I guess the reason for partying changes when you, well, mature I suppose. Just cuz your not into flirting doesn’t mean you can’t have a fab time with your friends.

And hey, doncha worry regarding almost giving up on finding a decent lad – I’m sure he’ll pop up when you least expect him to. Who knows, he can be the cute guy standing infron of you in the Starbucks queue.

Happy hunting!

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

ryc: actually, the cute guy was standing beind the starbucks counter in Madrid...

At 9:35 AM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

I have been practically straight edge lately, haha. it's odd!

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

ryc: hehehe well duuh! What I meant was you never know when you'll find a potential Mr Right... actually you kinda inspired me to write a post jo! *grin*


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