Tuesday, May 22, 2007

drinks on monday

i've been bad.

and i mean really bad...

last night i was too fuelled up to care. but the moment i woke up this morning... as the thoughts came rushing back... the first thing i said was "uh oh".

i met up with a family friend and some of his guy friends who i've hung out with before for drinks. and once again the bottle of johnnie walker was a killer.

this time my family friend's wife didn't join us. and i can always get along with guys comfortably. so it was a crazy time.

too crazy.

before i started tossing back the whisky like it was water, i realised that i had a missed call from the youngest one. that was nice since i had a nice time IMing him earlier in the day. but get this... this missed call was from saturday 12 may 3.38am! and yes, it took me over a week to realise it!

so i texted him asking him bout it. as expected he didn't remember. but in my warped way it was nice to know that he thought of me then to drunk call haha! and since by the time we started texting back and forth, i already had tossed back too much whisky and was tipsy texting. it was just like old times. we talked bout meeting up and i told him that i've missed him. yes, i can't believe i was that honest. usually i try to be a bit more restraint even while tipsy texting. but lately i've just been entirely too honest... especially with the youngest one.

i was pretty fuelled up. and this morning i spent some time trying to remember. there are some lapses in my memory where i have no recollection of whatsoever.

one of the guys called me this morning. he's the one that my family friend wanted to fix me up with. it was the second time i saw him and we really do seem to get along great. apparently he had agreed to send me to work 'coz we work nearby but i forgot entirely! then again he was driving last night and only had 2 drinks so he had his mind on him.

i however didn't have my mind on me.

at all.

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At 2:02 AM, Blogger Dizzie said...

Oh, honey, you and I share a favorite drink, huh? Whiskey is always the drink! ;)

I'm so coming over to party with you!


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