Tuesday, August 21, 2007

a picture says a thousand words

note to self: the next time someone wants to take a picture you and a guy kissing, learn to angle yourself better

apparently i didn't angle myself away as much as i thought. oh no. the picture showed clearly that we were kissing. and 'coz i was seated and he was standing, it looked like i was leaning back a lil as his head tilted forward. and yes i sometimes do open my eyes so all in all it probably looked like i was reluctant to kiss him. that's so not true.

thankfully it wasn't as though the bartender aka dj guy had his tongue down my throat. that was for later in our non-exhibitionist private time. (hmm... i could definitely do with more of that...)

... sorry got distracted...

anyhow my point is that i'm sure that would have turned out badly in pictures. seriously how do the movies manage to protray everyone looking so glamourous while making out?

so in general my birthday party pictures were... erm... clear to say the least. there were some nice pictures of the party gang. and some nice non making out pictures of me and dj guy (hmm making out... oops sorry...). and then there was a picture of the danish guy and i holding hands as i held a straw for him to finish up my drink. that seemed strangely intimate even though we really weren't.

okay okay, so if you read the original post you would have remembered that we did dance together and kissed on the lips and there was some amount of hugginess. but really we weren't that close... we certainly didn't make out.

oh there my mind goes again...

but i can't help but wonder when will be the next time i'll see dj guy again... and what might happen then...

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At 11:12 PM, Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

I have lots of pics of me making out. Not even one of them is good. I don't get it!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger jo said...

hahaha! i know!! you would think that since we're so fabulous at making out, that we'd look equally fabulous in pics of us making out. well okay so i didn't mean us making out *together*... haha! you know what i mean...

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Lucy Dee said...

Hey, Jo! This is my first time at your blog!

...and some nice non making out pictures of me and dj guy (hmm making out... oops sorry...). and then there was a picture of the danish guy and i holding hands...that seemed strangely intimate even though we really weren't.

This sounds like the beginnings of an orgy. And it sounds like the start of some great material for some riveting standup comedy. (I'm a standup comedienne in NYC.) Have you ever considered talking about your crazy dating life antics on stage? We could use some cool chick comediennes.

Feel free to stop by my spot and leave your mark. Thanks much!

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Dizzie said...

Well, you and pictures... don't get me started on that one! haha

Ryc: partying with you? Hell yes! When are we leaving????? :D

Or... is this a scheme to get me drunk and have me reveal what I mean with the Mr Darcy-comment I made that you wont let me forget? :D

At 2:24 AM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

hahah omg, jo, you lil' devil, pretending to be all angelic :p

At 10:00 PM, Blogger di.di said...

i want to see those pictures!!!!!


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