Monday, July 30, 2007

answered questions

the supposed 'date' with the guy i met via the online dating site cancelled out on me again. and half an hour before the time we were supposed to meet no less! i decided that i wasn't even gonna bother to respond. and he didn't have the courteosy to check in with me if i received his text message either.

but all wasn't lost on a friday night. in fact it turned out to be kinda crazy.

the guy from the wedding has been contacting me regularly. and it so happened he asked me out for a drink. since i had changed my plans to meet up with my party girl and the yummy mommy, i told him to head over to the cozy hole-in-the-wall bar where we would be at. it was nice seeing him again. he's a nice guy and we do get along. though i don't think we could be more than friends even though it's pretty obvious that he's kinda interested in me. oh and i got my party girl and the yummy mommy to confirm his name for me. it was totally not what i thought. i can't believe it! it was a simple name afterall...

as usual the bartender aka dj guy was there and we got to talking a lil when he surprised me by asking me if he ever said that he was engaged. then he surprised me further when he said that he's not even attached much less engaged. and that it wasn't him who texted me that time. it was such a shock to me. but i have no reason to believe that he would be the type to lie bout such a thing. he then asked me what i texted him then. it took me some guts but i finally 'fessed up. he surprised me again by saying that we've kissed before. to my knowledge we never did. he then told me the first time was the first day of the world cup. it was amazing that he remembered. that was over a year ago. but thinking back i remembered that that was the first time we pecked on the lips. somehow i mustn't really consider that a kiss. anyhow i told him that wasn't what i meant. i kinda made it clear that i was definitely up for finding out what it would be like to really kiss him. and it was clear that he was definitely thinking bout it too. but then again he was at work. he told me to go to the bathroom. and as i sat outside on the bench waiting for the bathroom to be vacated, he suddenly came over, bent down and kissed me.

whoa! let's just say that it was hot and furious. he bit my lip and it was a lil sore. i have met my match haha! we would have probably made out longer if not for a customer looking for the bartender. well i'm glad that i finally got my long awaited answer. we definitely have chemistry. we've since exchanged a few texts over the weekend that seems to sound like there could be a second round. i'm totally up for it.

over the weekend i was supposed to swim with my family friend's setup. due to the rain (again!) we decided to go for a cup of tea instead. it was nice to just chill out. i really enjoy his company. and i know he does too. he mentioned again bout how quirky i am (and apparently that's not necessarily a bad thing) and how different i am from other girls. i'm not sure if that's a good thing...

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At 7:28 PM, Blogger MPA said...

Way to go jo! The chemistry between you and dj guy is so obvious, it's jumping off my computer screen!

And I think family friend's setup *is* interested, but don't get why he's not making it more obvious...

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Scotty said...

I think quirky and different are good things, makes someone more unique.

At 11:54 PM, Blogger The Ambiguous Blob said...

Flakers blow!
Also, I love that the bartender kissed you at work. How fun :)

At 5:05 AM, Blogger Dizzie said...


Sorry... had to comment... LOL

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

haha! I can tell you have been having fun

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

OMG! aaaaaaaaah, I nearly fell off the chair. dude, you have to warn me!

gimme some minutes to collect myself...

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Dizzie said...

There's an award waiting for you over at my place... :D


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