Thursday, August 21, 2008


maybe "bored" isn't quite the word to describe how i feel with drummer boy. maybe disconnected is a better word.

lately i've been feeling disconnected with him and i'm not sure why. maybe he's tired. i mean i know he's tired. or maybe 'coz i feel like he isn't making the effort with me like he used to. but is that even his fault? admittedly i've been a lil slow to "warm up"... i suppose that's kinda what happens when you're not sure if you can fully commit. but despite it all, for some unexplainable reason, i do like drummer boy. i mean there are real feelings involved. which is probably why i'm affected as much as i am bout this disconnection.

maybe i'm projecting... remembering how it went down with the ad-man from the time i started to feel the disconnection. and yet, drummer boy isn't really like the ad-man... i know drummer boy's schedule (unless he's lying which i have no reason to believe that he is), it's not like he's multi-dating.

unless he's pulling back from me...

i think sometimes i vibe off people. like if they are feeling a lil off balance, i feel it too. so i asked if he was doing okay. and after some attempts to explain what i meant by off balance anyway and he initially not quite answering my question, he told me that he was okay. well okay then...

maybe it's just me?



At 6:23 AM, Blogger SaneAndSingle said...

Hmm...maybe because you are "slow to warm up" he has backed off??? Or maybe he felt he was pushing you too fast??? I don't know...

At 1:48 PM, Blogger jo said...

saneandsingle: honestly i was leaning towards the whole he maybe backing off 'coz i was slow to warm up. guys can tell you that your mind makes you even more attractive to 'em but really they aren't looking for that per se.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger A Dating Diary said...

I think that happens when the newness wears off and you start to see how you really feel. I know I've done that and I had a perpetual 2 month mark where I'd hit that mark and then start to feel disconnected no matter how much I wanted to like a guy. Physical tiredness can also do a lot in this situation. You're not yourself and everything seems kinda hazy...

Maybe some sleep this weekend?

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's hard to figure guys out. But if there's a disconnect, there may be a reason. Our intuition does warn us and its up to us to heed those warnings.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger jo said...

a dating diary: the 2 months itch eh? well we haven't even hit a month yet! this is kinda depressing... especially when i just don't know what's going on!

confessionofsbw: yeah i think my women's intuition or spidey senses or whatever is tingling...


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