Friday, December 18, 2009

hey alpha, swedish ain't got nothing on ya

i hadn't met the swedish guy since march and it's not like we were in contact a whole lot after that either. just a few texts and emails here and there very sporadically.

but in the last possibly 2 months, we did talk bout (and by that i really mean text 'coz shocker if we actually ever talk on the phone) meeting up. and that only finally happened last night.

i must say that initially i felt a lil strange. you know, the whole meeting up with someone you used to go out with (even though it wasn't official or anything but you get my drift). but there was nothing in our texts to ever communicate any form of interest still existed on either side and so i felt somewhat safe that it was just friends and not a case where it's implied that we'd pick up where we may or may not have left off.

honestly, we do get along pretty well. and the dinner was filled with our usual laughing and joking around and talking bout all sorts of stuff including relationship talk that wasn't related to me or him or any vague reference to us.

i've always enjoyed his company, that's a given. and i have to admit that in some way, the 2-hour dinner we had reminded me of why i even liked him in the first place. but for me, the romantic feelings were no longer there. though subconsciously i suppose i might have done some mental comparison between him and the alpha boy.

the swedish guy was "better" 'coz he was reasonably mild tempered, more goofy and currently a lot more stable in his career. the alpha boy is better 'coz he's very true blue, loves me and is mine.

i kinda think that the alpha boy wins.

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At 11:00 AM, Blogger Lifestyle Lookbook said...

Aw, you're so cute! And I mean that in an admiring way, not a condescending one.

Much better the bird in hand than the one in the bush. Even if he's been in your bush before. ;)
Err...too far? Sorry!

At 11:28 AM, Blogger jo said...

you make my date: aww you're cute too. and the last sentence was hilarious!

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Jenny DB said...

alpha boy definitely wins :-) feels good to KNOW though.. ya..

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Alpha boy all the way!


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