Monday, May 31, 2010

be still that lil extra beat in my heart...

yes i'm attached, but no i'm not dead.

bout 6 months ago i got to know this guy. he's attractive, articulate and a lot of fun to converse with. strangely there were also parts of his personality that reminded me of the alpha boy. he knew that i was in a relationship and yet has always made his interest very clear though he's also serial dating up a storm. if i were single, i'd definitely consider going for him. except that perhaps 'coz i'm not, i don't find him as attractive as i think i would normally find him.

recently we've been emailing back and forth throughout the day a fair bit. it's usually funny and witty emails bout dating and life. he sent me his list of dates that he's been on in the past 6 months and emails to update on it.

in these emails and some IMs, we also talk bout other things. in the course, i found out that he's a drummer. i know i know, another drummer boy haha! and well, it's no surprise that i like musicians. plus having a soft spot for drums (i've always wanted to learn and in fact did learn a bit last year when i realised that i think i have some natural talent) meant that i "swooned" over this revelation.

in some weird way i think he validates me. having someone who i would have been interested in be interested in me is definitely an ego boost.



At 11:14 PM, Blogger Lifebeginsat30ty said...

One question: does the man in your life know about this? Not that I'm against validation and having guy friends, but it does sound like it could slide into something else. Or at least get sticky if the boy finds out. Does feel nice to be wanted though, doesn't it? :)

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Little Miss Angry said...

all i can say: ;)

haha. so good to be wanted..

At 11:30 AM, Blogger jo said...

lifebeginsat30ty: i had a feeling someone would ask me this... and no, he doesn't know bout this. i've only actually meet up with this guy once so i don't think it could really slide into something else other than a mild flirtation. i also don't honestly think he's better than what i already have now. but yes, i do understand that this needs to be kept in check.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Toni said...

What is it about drummers? When I was in a band I sang and played bass after finding out I had no natural talent as a drummer, mind you I still have an old DW kit made out of bubinga that is so beautiful it almost makes me cry when I touch it. Is it wrong to feel so attached to a pile of wood and metal?

At 3:24 PM, Blogger jo said...

toni: hahaha! something has to be said for a guy to be so attached to a pile of wood and metal... at any rate, bass is right next to drums for me :)

At 5:09 AM, Blogger Toni said...

Thats encouraging, someone noticed the bass player, (although to be honest I was more a singer than a decent bassist - the keyboard player helped out a lot). I suppose singers are too egotistical for most women, after all who is coolest, Jagger or Richards? Why didn't you persue the drums? female drummers, though few and far between are very sexy although I doubt you will ever get a female Bonham.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger jo said...

toni: but singers are up front and centre so hard not to notice 'em either. plus you have the added benefit of being able to serenade a girl :) i would still love the pursue learning the drums if i had more time. i was actually getting free lessons from my cousin but after less than 5 of them, it was starting to get difficult to coordinate our schedules. if i knew i had some sort of naturally possible rhythm, i would have learnt was i was a kid.


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