Monday, January 03, 2011

some things are new, but some things are the same old...

i'm rarely ever ready for new years. my first thoughts aren't towards the "oh yay it's a brand new year of possibilities" or the "this year is going to be even better" kind of varieties. not that i'm being pessimistic and don't think these things. but for the most part, my first thought is always how on earth did time fly so fast? and then i think of my ever increasing age and experience a slight "panic".

but yes, happy new year to everyone.

so far the new year hasn't been that bad.

the alpha boy came over on new year's eve where he cooked burgers and we watched decidedly unromantic dvds like conan the barbarian (of which i was stunned to find that there was nudity). new year's day itself, somehow we both woke up so early that we decided to go for a pancakes breakfast before heading back to nap.

while that was nice and all, i'm still a girl who needs to go out and be social (vs the alpha boy who shuns any social thing like the plague). and i decided that this girl needed to get out. so i met up with the ungirly hottie and a few other girlfriends for dinner at one of the girl's place. she cooked, we ate, we watched reality tv and then decided to head out for a drink at a lovely cafe/bar type place. except that we all drank tea or coffee. too funny. but it was an awesome time.

the second day of the new year rolled in and i made plans to have lunch with a good friend from post-grad school, her husband and some of his friends who i've met before. it was great. and to top it off, at the last minute, the alpha boy came over for dinner.

with all of this happening, i almost forgot... today is someone's birthday... almost, but not quite.



At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Amanda at Wild Oats said...

Happy New Year!


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