Friday, March 10, 2006

they say boy time is 3 days

i'm not even sure why i'm even bothering... but i'm sorta bothered...

after that mid-week kissing nite, prick04 hasn't contacted me since. normally he'd text me the next day to kinda just check in to see if i was okay. especially since i had copious amounts to drink. but it's been 2 days and nary a text.

it's not like i'm thinking that those kisses meant something. especially not given the fact that a week earlier he had kissed my oldest school friend. i don't know what to think of 'em so i decided that i wouldn't place too much emphasis. but i guess even as just a friend, a text would have been nice. especially since we kissed. i'm not looking for any conversation on what does it mean and if there's a us or whatever. in fact i rather not have any such conversation. i'm just looking for a polite text inquiring how i've been. but apparently that's too hard for him to do.



At 6:02 PM, Blogger mutts said...

I think he should have text!

At 2:30 AM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

I hope he shapes up!

At 4:12 AM, Blogger NotMiranda said...

It amazes me how much more scared guys are than girls. They're afraid to simply face anything.

At 12:32 AM, Blogger chronic singleton said...

Look. . .don't stress too much. No one wants to be with someone who is less than sure he wants to be with you. . .So if he texts/calls great if not he is saving you the time of dumping him later.


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