Wednesday, July 26, 2006

don't stop me now

"don't stop me now (yes i'm having a good time)
i don't wanna stop at all"

recently this song by queen has been one of my faves.

it was the theme song for the sainsbury sports relief mile in london and i heard it when i was hanging out with my london guy friend. he sang along to the song and he has an awesome voice.

the song made me think of fun and happy times and that feeling of possibility that i can achieve anything that i put my mind to.

obviously my strange guy friend didn't have the same thoughts when he saw it as my IM name.

strange guy friend: hahaha
strange guy friend: thought your nick said don't stop me now, yes i'm having a org**m, i don't wanna stop at all
jo: oh my gosh! are you mad??
strange guy friend: no
strange guy friend: think that one reads nicer
strange guy friend: hahaha
jo: mad!

and yes he really did type "org**m" instead of just spelling out "orgasm".

i think he may have corrupted my brain.

i won't ever be able to listen to this song and just be reminded of the fun and happy times and that feeling of possibility that i can achieve anything that i put my mind to. nope i'll be reminded of my strange guy friend and org**ms.



At 8:42 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Ah! LOL! I'm still laughing at the org**ms. Amazing. haha.

At 8:59 PM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

I was listening to that song last night!


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