Monday, November 20, 2006

attracted and unattracted

this weekend was interesting...


i had a dream bout out of office eye candy. in my dreamscape we were pretty good friends and he told me to read his blog. when i did, i found out that the latest post was bout him proposing to his girlfriend. in my dream i remember feeling a lil upset but at the same time thinking bout how this meant that i had to give up any feelings for him. in real life i've never even heard bout him mentioning a blog before. and as for proposing to his girlfriend, i'm not even sure if they are marriage kind of serious. perhaps it's just a delayed reaction of what my boss said before.


i went for a swim and got picked up by this guy. it's kinda unnerving 'coz i had no makeup on and was wearing less clothes than i normally would be when meeting a guy for the first time. his opening line was to tell me that he liked my hair. it's always the hair. but we got along pretty well. he asked me for coffee after our swim but since i already had plans he asked to exchange numbers instead. he hasn't contacted me yet but it's okay 'coz to be honest i'm not really all that attracted.

but i guess this almost makes me rethink what i said previously bout how what i've been preoccupied with lately isn't exactly helping me to be any less single. i guess i kinda thought of my pursuits as a more solitary kinda thing.


later at night i went with my party girl and my aussie ex jim beam girl to a house party hosted by a guy my aussie ex jim bean girl once hooked up with recently. he's friends with a group of guys who we know from a bar since one of the guys is the manager there. i had never actually met the host of the party before though i've certainly heard bout him. when we were introduced he looked at me and went wow and told me that i was hot. he kept telling me that throughout the night which i thought was kinda laying it on too much. and he was telling his other guy friends as well which felt a bit weird. he likened me to a hockey girl, whatever that means. i found him hot but he was also obviously a player since his supposed girlfriend was at the party too.

the party was pretty fun. sometimes house parties are better than dancing it out in the clubs. i talked to a few guys. but somehow i don't know how it happened but i managed to wind up on the bar manager's lap. we were on the couch and i was lying on top of him with him nuzzling my neck from behind. we never kissed though. which i suppose is kinda odd since he asked me to go home with him. but i didn't. he's a bad boy. and he tells me that but i've always found him pretty attractive.

as i was going to head home i somehow wound up sharing a taxi with one of the guys from the party. we were introduced but we never actually talked. but in the taxi he leaned over and kissed me a couple of times. a disappointing kisser i must admit. perhaps just to be polite he asked for my number and i gave it. i'm not attracted to him though. i probably should have just kissed the bar manager. but everyone was right there and i kinda like to stay away from such public displays. i don't really want to be the next topic of conversation and i already know these guys do tell each other everything. my aussie ex jim beam girl found that out first hand. i'm curious to see what happens the next time i meet the bar manager. i'm hoping that we might actually get to kiss soon. but i'm no fool, i don't have any expectations of him. he's just a bad boy.

anyhow i had a good time. even though i did come out of it with unexplainable bruises on both sides of my upper arms. my only possible theory is that it came from the guy who came up behind me unannounced and gave me a voluntary massage. i'm not sure who he was but he must have been stronger than i realised. then again i'm not bout to turn down a massage especially when i'm aching after a long swim and short run.

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At 4:49 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

Wow, that was some helluva weekend Jo.
Dreams are always weird due to it being subconscious and the mind processing everything’s that’s in the grey lump called the brain… Trying to understand them isn’t possible – you see what you wanna see. It could mean that you really like the guy, or not, who knows.. hmm

Sounds kinda creepy getting picked up when you go for a swim, but then again, why miss on a chance – he might surprise you.

Hockey girl? Err no comments.. but wow, 3 guys in on party?!?! Dudette, I’m speechless.. all I can say is: You go grl!


PS. Have changed blogg to Crashed Site – – blog you there… ;)

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

ryc - thanx for the warm welcome & for stopping by at crashed site:)

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

ryc - yupp, you'll be seeing crashed sites you wish u didn't *diabolic giggle*

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