a date or not a date?
on friday i passed up another chance to go drinking with the yummy mommy to have dinner and catch a movie with pool boy. it's just that i was going to have a really early start on saturday for a one-day road trip with some friends... and i haven't really been feeling like drinking much lately. shocker i know!
so pool boy... that's not a name you hear mentioned all that often. well bout a month ago i ran into him in a sports shop and we grabbed a quick cuppa and had a quick chat. since then it's almost as though we were suddenly reminded of each other's existence once again. so in a failed movie attempt the week before, we decided to catch a different movie this time instead.
honestly i didn't think it was a date. i mean it's pool boy... i kinda think of him as a friend... who i probably started off kinda "dating" in the beginning... all of one date. the very few other times that followed, it was kinda a group thing. meeting up with him wasn't all that bad. i admit that i had some concerns bout what we were going to talk bout. but somehow we managed to keep some kinda conversation going. and it helps when you're being entertained in a movie for almost 2 hours.
but strangely at the end of the night, i found myself wondering if maybe it was kinda sorta a date? i mean he paid for me entirely and sent me home in a taxi (though i could justify that by pointing out that he lives pretty near to me). maybe it seemed like a date but my intention wasn't really a date intention. i guess i'm left wondering if it was a date or not a date.
the one-day road trip on saturday was quite a bit of fun. through the course of the day's conversation, i learnt something from my journalist friend who quoted to me what her gay friend said to her... "lazy girls don't get married".
it was hilarious... and just bout enough to propel me and my journalist friend to almost want to do something. afterall we both share some similar characteristics such as even though we're both rather outgoing and friendly, when it comes to guys, we are totally shy and can come off as too calm (this is something the guy based in missouri said bout me and i guess i can consider him the authority on what i'm like in a dating situation since we dated and we're now good friends) or like we don't bother... even when we like the guy.
so we decided perhaps we should take a page outta our cute sweetie-pie friend's book... she recently sent the guy she liked (and has been kinda dating for the last 2 months) a card. the cover had a cartoon picture of a movie theatre and 2 characters sitting side by side with the girl's head on the guy's shoulder and the words "muack! muack" above. the title read "let's go on a date". the inside of the card left space for you to fill in the date, venue and time as well as an rsvp. the card was too cute. and my journalist friend and i were joking bout buying that card in bulk to send out to various guys. but honestly i think if it were to come down to it, we might just chicken out. i mean giving a guy a card like that just bout shouts "i like you". i might as well wear a big sign across my forehead with the words "i like you!".
but that said, i can't help but remember the now-famous words of one gay guy... "lazy girls don't get married"... and maybe it's those words that will replay in my mind and nudge me every time i decide to play it too cool to bother...
and that was probably why i texted the ad-man this morning just to ask him how was his recent 4-day holiday trip and essentially to welcome him home...
Labels: insights into jo, pool boy, the ad-man
Very true quote..
I guess its what we learn, that the guy should do the hunting and the rescueing while the girls sits nicely and awaits Prince Charming.
BS i say, but then again, when it comes down to it, I'm the same. I dont think I would be the one who'd say what I'm waiting for:
"I fancy you and would like to know you a but better"...
i'm such a hypocrite i know!
I don't think that's a date either.
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