Wednesday, August 16, 2006

is this what happens when you get older?

happy birthday to me. today i turn a grand 'old' age of 26.

strangely i don't feel like partying. i feel like having a nice quiet night. but my party girl is all geared up for a party and i don't wanna disappoint her. besides a few other people that we know from the party circuit is also gearing up. can't disappoint 'em either. i'm hoping for just a few drinks and head home relatively early since i still have to work tomorrow. but unfortunately i don't think that's gonna happen.

i'm worried.

i know that there will be quite a bit of drinks... and i'll be the one that they'd want drinking all those drinks. oh gosh...

but i'm telling myself that no more drinking after this. to make sure that that actually happens, i made plans with other friends for the weekend so that i'd be less tempted to head out with my party girl. i really want to cut down on the drinking and party lifestyle. i can't believe i'm actually saying that. am i just getting older?


my london guy friend wished me over IM. he told me that he got me a pressie which he's going to mail today. i didn't expect that. what a sweetheart... it's in the lil things that make me swoon... like when i was in london and he was supposed to meet me. he had bought himself a drink and got me one as well even though i didn't even ask. or the time when he burned me a cd of the 8 minute ab workout 'coz we were talking bout it and passed it to me months later when he came over to visit even though i had forgotten all bout it. he also bought me a travel book on london.

and even for out of office eye candy, he tells me to watch out for hot coffee and asks me if i want any food when he's coming into the office 'coz he knows i'm perpetually eating haha! it's all in the lil things.

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At 5:57 PM, Blogger Dizzie said...

HEY-YEAH! Thank God I'm NOT the only one!

I turned 25 twelve days ago, and yeah, freaked basically over it, starting a few weeks ahead of time. What the hell have I accomplished this year???? Nada! Just like the year before... fuck, beign 20-something and get the age-frigth, that's pathetic!

I did NOT party. Nothing to celebrate. *sigh*

Oh, shoe-guy... sharping my nails & waiting at the Far Side! ;)

Take care

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

Congrats Jo!

Life's a big celebration itself, infact, life's a big party... which we aren't invited to. No worry, we'll just crash it!

Hart gots plenty to celebrate, like my gifts she'll be getting during our Girl Talk over Latte on thursday.

Do let us know what the London Guy sent you :)


At 8:45 PM, Blogger Beth said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day! I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to cut back on the drinking. I'm 22 and I don't drink that much. I'd rather just be with good people and enjoy their company than get drunk. (Don't get me wrong, I love the occasional martini or glass of wine...but I just can't stand to get too drunk/black out anymore) haha.

At 6:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.

I made a commitment to myself that I wouldn't have any cocktails this week while traveling for work. I have been hitting the hotel gym and downing 3 bottled waters a night. I hope I can stay away from the wine! The only bad thing about not drinking is I crave sweets way more. So I am not sure which is worse. sigh.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Vixen said...

Happy Birthday! Mine lands in 1.75 months. I won't be able to claim early/mid-20s'll be late 20s...ack!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

Oh man, my friends got me soooooo drunk when I turned 26 this year. Now I'm an old woman who doesn't want to go out as much;)


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