Wednesday, October 04, 2006

lil girl dreams

my cousin who lives in new zealand is currently in town so last night the fam went out for dinner and she brought along her 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son. they are one of the cutest kids ever.

despite being someone who goes back and forth on the decision of wanting kids of myself, i usually love other people's kids. as in i'm one of those who will volunatarily go up to 'em and play peek-a-boo and talk to 'em and whatnot.

so in between playing peek-a-boo with my cousin's 1 year old son, i had a chance to talk to her 3 year old daughter for a bit. this isn't exactly word for word for you'll get the gist of it...

jo: how old are you?
lil girl: 3
jo: and how old will you be next year?
lil girl: 4
jo: and the year after?
lil girl: 5
lil girl: and then a few more years i can get married

what the??

jo: so who will you marry?
lil girl: matthew

quick check with my cousin revealed that matthew is a lil boy of her age that she knows from church. in fact she doesn't only just know who she'll marry but she has decided where exactly she wants to marry and that she wants a pink dress and a tiara.

now while this is all very amusing, it's also starting to freak me out.

jo: so what age do you want to get married?
lil girl: 8
jo's cousin: hahaha! no way darling...

no way indeed.

and this is the reason why girls are so messed up sometimes. they've been planning their weddings since they were 3 while the boys (matthew included) are only interested in their trucks and cars.

and somehow my cousin's daughter is a forward lil girl who makes the first move... apparently she told lil matthew that she was learning dance and asked if he would dance with her at their wedding. i believe lil matthew was a lil freaked out and said something along the lines of that he doesn't like girls. ahh 3 year old boys...

but maybe i should take a page outta her book. i should go ask the next guy that i'm interested in (and am convinced that i'll marry) if he would dance with me at our wedding.

afterall i'm already 18 years past 8 years old. which we all know is the true age that we should get married...


since yesterday morning my neck muscles seemed to have cramped up causing me to be in a fair amount of pain and reduce a fair amount of mobility in my neck. so i took some time off in the afternoon yesterday to see a doctor.

this morning when i came to the office, i noticed a post-it note on my computer. it was from out of office eye candy.

"hi jo! *insert out of office eye candy's real name* says hi! can't turn neck huh?"

that post-it note really made me smile and made me go all 'awww'.

it's wrong 'coz i believe he still has a girlfriend... darn!

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At 8:17 PM, Blogger Crashdummie said...

Wow, she’s determined innit. If you behave, maybe she’ll ask you to be the flower girl at her wedding *grin*

I actually also got a post-it note from a a colleague and went all awwww, how sweet, how retro.. hehehe Hmm he also has a gf – do we see a pattern here.


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